"For parents to choose the sex of their unborn child is neit

             In recent years, man has, in some aspects, taken control of nature. Probably the most recent scientific breakthrough was the cloning of the sheep, "Dolly". Should man's control over nature be extended to having the power to determine the sex of one's unborn child? I agree that for parents to choose the sex of their unborn child is mostly neither natural nor desirable – it is unnatural from the religious and moral viewpoint; and it is undesirable, due to many possible and disastrous consequences. However, it can be seen as natural – from the scientific viewpoint.
             From a religious point of view, man should leave nature to the control of his God, or Gods. In all religions, be it Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, et cetera – the God is always the creator. Religion has to do with faith and spirituality – things that cannot possibly be governed by the laws of science. Therefore, for man to be able to choose the sex of his unborn child – which, by right, should be determined not by man, but by God – is surely seen as unnatural in this case. To Catholics and Muslims, children are god-given; it is against their religion even to practise birth control. They leave the matter of whether or not they will have a child to their God – to have control over the sex of their unborn child would definitely be seen as blasphemous.
             Looking at it from a moral point of view, is it right for parents to decide what sex their unborn child should be? A child should deserve a parent's unconditional love. A child has his own character; already, it is restrictive for a parent to mould a child into what the parent wants the child to be in the future. Should it be morally right for a parent to expect his child to be of a certain gender, even before the child is born? No doubt, there must be reasons as to why parents might prefer their child to be of a certain gender. There must be dreams, hopes, and...

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"For parents to choose the sex of their unborn child is neit. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:54, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/11692.html