About Me

             Hi, My name is Danielle N, and I am a senior at H. High school. There are a few things that I feel are neccessary for people to know when they meet me. For example, I want people to know that I am a well-educated person with plenty of ambition and creativity. I always want to give an 110% to everything I do. I have plenty of people to thank for my gifts though, such as my mother and father for staying on me everyday about how important it is to get an eductaion. My Grandma because she always challenged my mind and made me want to learn. Last but not least, my boyfriend and my best friend for not letting me slack off when they saw that I was getting off track. I would like to thank all of them for that because without them I don't know where I would be.To show my appreciation to my loved ones, I plan to attend ______ University next fall. I will be majoring in Nursing. I also plan to be a neonatal nurse after I finish college. Next, I plan to open up a clinic for the less forunate. Finally, I will take it a step further to become an Anesthesiologists. So, as you can see I have my future well mapped out for me. With that said , thank you for taking time out to listen to my plan for the future. I hope I can inspire as many people that read this.

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About Me. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:02, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/11976.html