The work of Taylor and Mayo is still evident in workplaces

             The Work of Taylor and Mayo is Still Evident in Workplaces Today. Discuss. Your Answer Should Draw on Appropriate Theory and Practical Examples from an Organisation (or Organisations) you know well
             For many years people have worked to improve productivity by promoting greater efficiency in the way things are done. Frederick Winslow Taylor and George Elton Mayo carried out an enormous amount of research and made a substantial contribution in this area. However, although their initial aims were very similar - to improve productivity, their methods and conclusions were very different. I will look at how Taylor hoped to solve the above problems, with his theory of Scientific Management. This will include his time and motion studies, his idea of 'one best way' to perform a job and 'one best' person to perform it, the fact that he thought people were primarily motivated by money, and the effects all of this would have on employees. Mayo initially seeked to prove Taylor's theories right, however, due to the Hawthorne Experiments, he became more interested in the involvement and fair treatment of workers and their social environment. He found that people weren't just motivated by money. The work of both Taylor and Mayo is still evident in workplaces today. The following essay will look at the work of Taylor and Mayo including underlying assumptions and problems, and how their work is used today looking at organisations I am familiar with and experiences from my working life.
             Taylor believed in the theory of Scientific Management. This method of measuring and recording information leads to subsequent analysis of the information received which can be used to educate, train and lead the workmen into better methods of doing the work. Taylor believed his time and motion studies would lead to the most efficient and economical way to carry out a job. He also drew attention to the need for scientific sel...

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The work of Taylor and Mayo is still evident in workplaces. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:38, June 02, 2024, from