HamletAct IV

             Hamlet is an ironic hero. One quality of an ironic hero is that they change throughout their quest. In the beginning of the story Hamlet was extremely depressed over his father's death. Nothing else was on his mind. Also in the beginning of the story Hamlet's plan was to pretend he was insane. Lastly Hamlet used to be sophisticated and have manners, but in Act VI Hamlet seems to change. Hamlet seems to be a totally different man in the beginning of the story, from how he seems to be now.
             In the beginning of this story Hamlet was very bitter over his father's death. Now in Act IV it looks as if Hamlet has his sense of humor back. Act IV, scene iii, the king's men are searching for Polonius's body. Hamlet says where it is and the king tells his men to go look for him where Hamlet said he was located. Before the king's men leave Hamlet says, "He will stay till you come." (49). Hamlet is joking around about how Polonius won't move because he is dead. This quote shows that Hamlet still has his sense of humor and that he is gradually gaining his happiness back. This shows a great difference from how he acted during the start of the story.
             When Hamlet found out his uncle killed his father Hamlet thought of a plan to gain revenge on King Claudius. Part of this plan was to act insane. First Hamlet had control over when he acted insane and when he didn't but it seems now that Hamlet has no control over it. It seems as if Hamlet isn't pretending anymore and really is insane. He jokes about death. He questions the king's authority and speaks of things that make no sense. He would never do such things in the beginning of the story. He has changed from acting insane, to actually being insane.
             Lastly Hamlet used to be a sophisticated prince. He showed respect to his family and friends. He used to have manners. In this act it seems as if he has given up all of principles. In Act IV...

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HamletAct IV. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:32, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/12431.html