
             "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." This was the one quote that stood out to me from all of the other quotes that Gandhi said in the movie. Gandhi had a challenging time dealing with the British when he wanted India to be declared free from the British Empire. It must have taken a great deal of patience to not rise up in a forceful way. If he did take a violent stance on the issue, Gandhi would have betrayed his conscience that violence does not solve anything but can only do damage. Gandhi's philosophy can be put into basic terms in the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Gandhi treated others with the highest respect and always remained peaceful. He wanted no less respect for himself from others. Gandhi knew that if he were fighting for a free India, he would have to remain peaceful in order to not rile up the British Empire, which at the time was the greatest superpower that the world had ever seen. Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" after one of his peaceful rallies turned violent.
             I really appreciate the importance that Gandhi's quote has in my life. I have always tried to treat others how I would want to be treated. I realize that if I can cause someone harm, I can expect it to come right back to me. When Gandhi warns us of the dangers of an eye for an eye, he tells us that there will never be an end to violence as long as someone always provokes it. It's difficult to think about because violence is like the domino effect. When one is knocked down, all are knocked down. But the possible problem with what Gandhi is trying to accomplish is an end to violence. To bring an end to violence in the world would be next to impossible. We are imperfect people and there will always be violence since we live in an imperfect society. Stopping violence by not committing any more violence sounds very

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Gandhi. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:22, October 22, 2024, from