Of mice and men

             Junaid karolia 11PJ Friday 1st November
             "Other Cultures" assignment
             George and Lennie's fragile dream to buy a small ranch of their own is a powerful symbol for what is known as the "American dream". Referring to the text, indicate how Steinbeck suggests, through the novel that for George and Lennie the dream will never be realised.
             George and Lennie's dream to own a ranch of their own will not be realised as Lennie gets killed at the end of the novel and also includes many other incidents when mentioned throughout the novel always cause trouble. John Steinbeck repeats the idea of the ranch throughout the novel and this is what keeps the novel going.
             The title of the book comes from the poem by Robert Burns in which he writes 'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley', which means the schemes of mice and men often go adrift. John Steinbeck chose this of the novel as it happens with all the characters, as Crooks says 'Nobody never gets to heaven'.
             George and Lennie's dream of owning a small holding does nearly come true as Candy an old swamper over hears them talking about the dream farm. The dream gets firstly mentioned in chapter 1 when Lennie asks George to talk about the ranch 'Tell me – like you done before'. It seems as though that all Lennie cares about is the rabbits on the dream farm as he keeps mentioning it throughout the novel 'About the rabbits' even when he has a fight with Curley after the fight he asks George if he can still tend the rabbits.
             George and Lennie's dream farm keeps being mentioned throughout the novel of how it will be like, even when Lennie gets killed George talks about the farm. They will own a couple of acres and have a garden with a vegetable patch. They'll own cows, pigs, chickens and rabbits in cages for Lennie. They'll have a rabbit hatch and a stove. The cr...

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Of mice and men. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/16042.html