Flowers for Algernon

             Have you ever wanted something so bad you'd sacrifice your life to have it; even if just for a moment? Charlie Gordon, played by Robert Masucci did just that. Charlie has a learning disability but gets a chance to alter his I.Q. substantially through operation. He becomes a genius for a period of time, but later this operation backfires and he returns to the life he has been trying to run away from. Ayala Drama has put " Flowers for Algernon", by Daniel Keyes into a lovely, sad, yet memorable play with their excellent cast of young talented actors and actresses.
             My favorite character was Charlie Gordon, played by Robert Masucci. He did a really good job playing his part. It felt as if he was the real Charlie Gordon, having to struggle with this disability. Masucci expressed such a strong passion for wanting to be smart that it gave the audience a feel of what he was feeling. I felt as if I was going to cry! When I looked at the expressions on Robert's face and how real he made the character look, I was immediately drawn into the play and so was the other audiences.
             The other performers also did really well in their parts. Some even used cute little accents that made the play more humorous. Ciera Morales played the character of Alice Kinnian. I think she really fit this part because she had this shy, sweet, and fragile look that brings out the whole character of Alice. Mrs.Donner, played by Andria Innerbichler was another character that stood out. Andria's character was loud and bossy. The part suited her really well because she made the character more alive and when she was on the stage, Andria gave us the feeling that "she" was in charge.
             The costumes were very casual. The Guys mostly wore suites and the girls wore long skirts, it all depended on whom they were playing. The doctors wore
             white jackets and carried along their tools. I think the costu

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Flowers for Algernon. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:10, June 02, 2024, from