
             The effects or mood created by the opening credits:
             In a classic slow motion scene, as the opening credits are presented, we can get our first glimpse of FBI Anti-terrorist task force leader, Sean Archer (John Travolta), and his nemesis, Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage). Because the scenes are flashing and switched quickly, and sometimes are just black and white, we notice that it is only an unpleasant memory. While Archer and his young son ride the merry-go-round. Even there's no talking, only music playing. But still we realize that it is a happy scene, where Archer and his son Mike are enjoying the love between father and son. And through the background music, we hear that Mike is laughing, which creates a happy and sweet mood to the film. However as Troy loads his rifle with the intent of offing Archer, the mood suddenly changes. The music becomes louder and gorier. Until Troy hits his target, injuring Archer, but the bullet continues through him, kills his son. The music changes again to sad and sorrowful music. As the beluns fly away, we are informed that the kid is dead. However, when Troy notice that he hits the boy, his eyes become wide open, we sense that this was not Troy's intention, but he is not all that remorseful either. The tile of the film is Face/Off, from the title we can sort of predict what the movie is mainly about. It is probably about something like hockey or a highly advanced face transplanting technology (exchange faces). I think a good title in the opening credits is the number one step to create a successful movie. If the title sounds interesting or very mysterious, it would attract more people to watch it. The number one reason makes me to watch this movie is that the tile makes me curious about the plot and I want to know what happened at the end. A good title also reveals the major theme of the film. Basically the opening scenes of this film created a sad and sorrowful fe

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friendship. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:22, June 02, 2024, from