politics in america

             Politics in American is at most, very depressing. You have the mud slingers and the muckrakers, the big money campaigns of presidents, Congress and Gubernatorial elections and those which barely scraping by as in the local county commissioner, who was urged to run by a couple of friends but had no idea what he was getting into. Most Americans really do not know what they believe. They usually always have followed someone else's opinion, whether it be from kindred or the media. Very few Americans unfortunately have truly made up "their" own mind on the issues. It's either all politicians are liars or one party or the other. Why else could some people, not illiterate people, but everyday working Americans, how could they ever believe the adage, "Democrats for the poor and working man and the Republicans for the rich and wealthy." This is a dilemma in this American society and the only way to correct is by educating America.
             Too many people in American are glued to the "one-eyed monster" we call television and rely on the paid representatives of each station to promote their own personal views and ideas. It is amazing to me how many Americans willingly believe, "well if CNN says it, it has got to be true!" What one must remember is that these everyday men and women have their own ideas and beliefs and they desire everyone to think like they do. But if American was truly like that we would be a society of robots who had no mind or will of their own.
             So truly, the only way to fix this problem is to encourage all Americans to not just believe what they hear and read, but to research and find out for themselves what is true. Allow each individual to decide what is relevant and true. One can listen to the news or read about a president or political figure and see the slant certain media will place on the individual and their party. If the article is about a republican ...

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politics in america. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:58, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/18292.html