history terms

             1. Open Door Policy - United States and Great Britain were concerned about the integrity of China. A series of notes were issued stating that the United States favored a policy of "the open door," This meaning that China should not become the sole influence of any single nations or small group of nations, but that China should remain open to trade and other relations to all nations. The policy became accepted in the U.S.
             2. Dollar Diplomacy - Dollar diplomacy is the term used to describe America's efforts under President Taft to further its foreign policy aims in Latin America and the Far East through the use of economic power. President Theodore Roosevelt laid the groundwork for this approach in 1905 with his Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, maintaining that if any nation in the Western Hemisphere appeared politically or fiscally so unstable as to be vulnerable to European control, the United States had the right and obligation to intervene.
             3. Bull Moose party – Oficially the Progresive Party, it oposed conservatism of the regular Republican Party, which was controlled by Pres. William Howard Taft. The party's popular nickname of Bull Moose was derived from the characteristics of strength and vigour often used by Roosevelt to describe himself.
             4. League of nations-The original Members of the League of Nations will be those of the Signatories who are named in the Annex of this Covenant and also such of those other States named in the Annex shall be accede without reservation to this Covenant. Such accession will be effected by a Declaration deposited with the Secretariat within two months of the coming into force of the Covenant. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other Members of the League.
             6. isolationism-involvement without commitment "advantages without obligations", no permanent, entangling alliances, keep U.S. sovereign, free, at peace.

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history terms. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 00:46, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/19147.html