Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws

             The book that I chose to read for this book report is "Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws: From Youth Culture to Delinquency." It was written by Wayne Wooden and Randy Blasak and published in 1995, though for the purposes of this report, the second edition (published in 2001) will be used as a reference. This is an update of Wooden's 1995 book. Wooden and Blasak look at the experience of suburban youth at the turn of the century. There are new chapters about school shootings, theories of delinquency, and the growing "Generation Why?" cohort. There is also additional data on skinheads, gutter punks and others. The authors allow the youths in this book speak about their own experiences, and I feel that they have created a good picture of the experience of suburban kids on the cusp of a new era.
             This book is divided into three sections. After a discussion of the range of theories used to explain subcultural activity (in Chapter 2), the first section examines youths whose rebellious nature has taken the form of sampling one or more of the youth styles and youth cultures of the moment. These teens are referred to as renegade kids because they abandoned the established norms of society, joining other youth styles in opposition to rules, defying - often through dress and demeanor - the status quo.
             Their more delinquent counterparts - youths who are referred to as suburban outlaws - are examined in the second section of the book. Selecting a different path - one that seems to have led them into increasing despair and deviance - these often recidivist offenders are distinguished by a variety of offensive behaviors. They include youths who have joined a delinquent gang or a satanic cult, or who have become a racist skinhead. By their actions, they have placed themselves outside the norms of acceptable behavior, and society has had to intervene. By embracing a life of crime, they have, in effect, become bandits or outlaws.

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Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 19:00, June 02, 2024, from