
             The framers of the Constitution defiantly, by far, did not create a perfect system of federalism. The system they had created harmed the federal government devised by the Constitution in more ways than one. The weak points of the system of federalism included the division of power, the elections, and the diversity. Obviously these points are strong in the arguement against the Constitution and the federal system. According to the Constitution itself, the system created would become a correction of the past mistakes and outweigh any competition for a better document, which could potentially operate a union.
             The federalist division of power was an obligation in order to meet criterea of all participants [of the Constitutional Convention]. The main focus of division was most
             likely to whom will receive power and how much power will that party receive. When the framers of the Constitution created a division of powers, they essentially created an
             abstract idea of which would relate much to a spider web. All strings in every direction...only the spider itself knows its way around the web. The confusion created by the
             framers, would boggle citizens for centuries.
             An election usually means, a group, or party, voting for another group or party to continue services favored by the voters. In essense, the election is a conventional
             philosophy to grant more time to people who need not be involved in an affair, and grant the appropriate, wanted time, to those who have dedicated their time to an affair.
             There is a very, excessively large, percent error in this theory. The views of a politician, such as one under a federal system, may be voted into office, and then change views,
             no longer favoring the people. Usually, if the officer does not make an obvious, substaintial mistake, they will not be removed from office, and decisions will be made not in
             favor by the majority, regardless of their opinion at the time...

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Federalism. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 17:40, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/19754.html