Research and Evaluation

             The article containing the hypothesis used by the research study this paper
             will discuss is the Teachers' Gestures Facilitate Students' Learning: A
             Lesson in Symmetry, authored by Valenzeno, Alibali, and Klatzky. The
             research study, on the other hand, has a document title of Understanding
             Change in Mathematical Reasoning: Evidence from Speech and Gesture,
             Valenzeno, Alibali, and Klatzky's article hypothesized that teacher's
             gestures, as accompanied by speech, enables students to improve
             comprehension skills and learning abilities. They explained that gestures
             are forms of abstract that provide supplementary information to students.
             Through pointing to objects or making hand motions relevant to what is
             currently being spoken, students can develop association of information
             Based from the results of a conducted experiment by Valenzeno, Alibali, and
             Klatzky, they came up with the hypothesis that gestures facilitate
             students' learning. They carried out an experiment where children are asked
             to view two types of videotaped lecture on symmetry. The first type shows
             an explanation using speech and gesture, while the second type shows an
             explanation using speech alone. After viewing the videotapes, Valenzeno,
             Alibali, and Klatzky found that the children who viewed the speech-and-
             gesture lecture showed more understanding on symmetry and asymmetry.
             Valenzeno, Alibali, and Klatzky's hypothesis was used in Martha Alibali's
             research study. Martha Alibali's paper aims to provide evidences and
             inferences from written articles and studies
             on the effectiveness of applying gestures in speech while conveying
             Martha Alibali used a number of references to validate her study, and one
             of the references she used is Valenzeno's article. Her study aims to
             investigate the effects of using non-verbal communication with verbal

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Research and Evaluation. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:48, May 20, 2024, from