Community in Two Novels

             Community is often thought of as a town, city, or even neighborhood,
             but community can refer to just about any group who has common beliefs,
             common values, or some sort of commonality. Families are small
             communities, and so are schools, churches, and groups with like ideals or
             causes. Both of these novels concern communities, and how many of the
             novels' characters interact with communities, both small and large.
             Communities are made up of individuals, but unless the individuals conform
             to community standards, or feel comfortable with them, they will have an
             uneasy relationship with the community, and with themselves, just as these
             two novels so graphically illustrate.
             Both main characters in these novels have uneasy relationships with
             their family, which translate into uneasy relationships within their small
             community, and thus translate to uneasy relationships with their larger
             community. In "The Wars," Robert's estrangement from his family begins
             with the death of his sister Rowena, and his decision to join the army to
             fight in Europe, as this passage illustrates, "'You think Rowena belonged
             to you. Well I'm here to tell you, Robert no one belongs to anyone. We're
             all cut off at birth with a knife and left at the mercy of strangers. You
             hear that' Strangers. (Findley 23). Immediately the reader understands
             the depth of the division in the family, and how Robert is struggling with
             his identity in his small familial community, just as his mother, Mrs.
             Ross, will struggle with her identity in the larger community where they
             live after he leaves. Part of successful assimilation in a community is
             feeling comfortable and that you belong. In this case, Robert feels he has
             nothing in common with his mother, and so, leaves the family because the
             member he loved the most is gone. He is searching for himself, meaning in
             his life, and attempting to discover where he fits i...

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Community in Two Novels. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:07, June 02, 2024, from