Presidential approval ratings

             Presidential approval ratings can either increase or decrease. It fluctuates by how well the people perceive the president is doing his job. If they like what they see, they are for the president. But, if times are tough, they use the president as the scapegoat for their problems.
             A) Presidential approval ratings decrease when negative events or moral decreasing events occur. The nation doesn't like to have a president who partakes in actions that hurt the character of the nation or the character of themselves. When incidence like that happen, the people start to evaluate the capabilities of the president. The president is seen as a figure head of our country and if they mess up, they are likely to have a decrease in approval. Nixon is a good example of a decrease in approval ratings. When the nation found out about his involvement in the Watergate scandal and his lying to the court, they quickly lost respect for him as a person and as a president. This helped force his resignation from the White House. Clinton was also involved in a scandal but his sexual relations didn't have anything in his running of the country, which was very good at the time. Even though he was going through legal battle, the country was still flourishing.
             Presidential approval ratings also decrease during times of economic hardship. When the country is doing bad, and people are losing money, prices are being inflated, or there is a rise of unemployment, the president is the person that everyone points their finger to. He is supposed to prevent economic hardship and when he can't, people quickly lose hope in his capabilities. An example of this is Hoover and the Great Depression. Hoover was president during the time of the Depression and even though he was the cause of the depression, people still blamed him for the loss of money and jobs. He implemented many policies like Public Works (appropriated $750 million for public works â sti...

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Presidential approval ratings. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:11, June 16, 2024, from