Existance of God

             I grew up in a time and place where faith existed but was never questioned. After all, when you're a kid, adults tell you that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and God are all real. And that believing in them would get you gifts, baskets of candy, money, and someone who could help you out in a jam. So what kid wouldn't become a believer? As I grew older, I eventually discovered that three of the four were not really real. But what was I to do with the fourth? No one could show me God. No one ever dressed up like God. So I began to ask questions like "Does God really exist, or is He something that we made up, like a fairy tale, to help us get through life?" and "If God exists, what is He really like?"
             Is there a God? Is the universe just a fluke that came about by chance and will eventually be destroyed? Are we just a compilation of molecules that just happen to work together pretty good or are we the design of God made in his image? These questions are the most important questions in the world. They are more important than who will win the Super-Bowl this year. They are even more important than blocking out terrorism.
             The question of God's existence has occupied the minds of the world's greatest thinkers for millennia. The ultimate question of all time is whether God, as described, actually exists and if so, what He is like. It is certainly the most important issue facing humanity. For if God exists; then one should live according to His laws. If God does not exist, then what is the foundation of morals, ethics, honesty and charity? Some believe logic is necessary to substantiate any conclusion. Others believe that faith instead is the only valid way to search for God. Still others believe they have found God through other methods. This is how I concluded that God indeed exists. God to me is loving, omnipotent, personal and perfectly good.
             My argument: Most people recognize the breathtaking beauty, order and c...

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Existance of God. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:43, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/20562.html