Great Expectations

             Great Expectations- Analysis Essay: Topic # 1
             In the narrative Great Expectations, the author, Dickens, divides the story into 3 different stages that each signifies a turning point in Pip's life. Events within each stage help to shape Pip's character development from one stage to the next. The three stages happen at the transition during the major changes in Pip's life like his first meeting with his secret benefactor.
             The first stage ends with Pip heading off to London in order to begin his formal gentleman training with Mr. Pocket. The entire first stage takes place only in the marshes of Kent, Pip's hometown, and there are mainly three important events that take place in this stage. One of the major events is when Pip meets the convict in the churchyard while he is studying the graves of his deceased parents; this meeting will later transform Pip's life entirely from being a common boy to his rise to a gentleman. If this event had never occurred, the novel's plot and storyline would have been drastically different, and Pip would probably have turned about to be a completely different gentleman than the one he is at the end of the story. The second event is Pip's first visit to the Satis House, which forever changes his vision about himself and those around him. For example, before Pip visits the Satis House, he is quite content and satisfied with his way of living; however, after his visit, he sees Joe and himself as coarse and common individuals who are utterly worthless compared to the high social-class citizens like Estella. This event is also the cause for the themes of social advancement and ambition for Pip because Pip is attracted and starts to fall in love with Estella's beauty and charm. The third event is Pip's learning from Jaggers that he has suddenly received a fortune from an anonymous benefactor, and he learns that he is to travel to London immediately to beg

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Great Expectations. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:00, June 02, 2024, from