11 past and present bioneers

             A bioneer is a visionary who works for the Earth's behalf. The past, present, and future life on this planet has been, is, and will be changed by everyday people from all walks of life. A pauper, a bored student, a forester, a writer, a singer songwriter, an ethologist, a designer, a teacher, a revolutionary, a deep sea diver, and a civil engineer. Any and all of these have made a difference to the Earth because it only takes one person to care enough to change the world.
             Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck was born August 1, 1744 in Bazatin, France. Although his family had ties to aristocracy, they were poor. His parents, Philippe Jaques de Monet de La Marck and Marie-Francoise de Fontaines de Chuignolles, wanted Jean to be a priest and sent him to a Jesuit school when he was eleven years old. His military officer father died four years later and Jean left school to join the military. Due to ill health he left the military in 1768 and studied medicine and botony. Lamarck's book about the plants of France Flore Francaise was published in 1778 and led to his appointment at the royal botanical garden in Paris. In 1793 the gardens were reorganized and became the National Museum of Natural History and Lamarck was appointed professor of insects and worms of which he had no knowledge.While working in his new position Lamarck originated the word "invertebrates" and wrote the seven volume Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Sans Vertebres between 1815 and 1822. Lamarck separated Crustacea (crabs, crayfish, lobsters, shrimp and woodlice), Arachnida (spiders, ticks and mites, and scorpions), and Annelida (segmented worms) from the Insecta. He removed Tunicates (sea squirts) and Barnacles from Mollusca (octopuses and squids, snails and slugs, bivalves and clams). Along with Trevirons he was the first to use the term "biology". Lamarcks two volume Philosophie Zoologique published in 1809 explain his theor...

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11 past and present bioneers. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:07, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/21514.html