Evolution and Society

             Boom! The Universe began. Millions of years ago tiny dust particles and chemicals were brought together to form the solar system as we know it (Weed 46). Slowly one-celled organisms, plants, animals, and man evolved into what we are today. So we are taught in science classes in school. Most people take the information for fact, not really doing any of their own research. They see themselves as ape descendants, simply chemical accidents with no real purpose and destiny. But can that really be true? It was not so long ago that more people believed in God, that He created each individual uniquely for a purpose. With the loss of this belief went morals in the American society. Evolution pushes God out of the picture and replaces it with scientific accidents. It indirectly teaches people to live like there is no truth, no right or wrong, only their own ways of thinking and behaving. Evolution stripped God from the American society and put in His place poor ideas and motives.
             Evolutionists believe the world was formed four and a half billion years ago. "The solar system began as the result of an explosion which blasted great masses of gas far out into space. This great mass of gas condensed into a number of bodies which later cooled to become the planets" (Riegle 82). In the 1800's a man named Charles Darwin came along and changed scientific ideas for all time. His studies began the first ideas and evidence for the evolution of life, natural selection, and survival of the fittest. He began to popularize the idea that all plants and animals came from a common origin, meaning a one celled ameba, not God, through mutations and changes on the environment. Life started very uncomplicated and mutated toward complexity (Heinze 2). Next, man evolved from the ape. They are most like us in structure and behavior, making them the logical choice (Reigle 84). Another idea many evolutionists use as evidence for their belief is the fact...

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Evolution and Society. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:27, May 30, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/21986.html