Women Rights

             Millions of women through out the world live in conditions of abject deprivation
             of, and attacks against, their fundamental human rights such as right to speak freely, right
             to have abortion, to earn equal salary as men and right to have equal opportunity, And
             this is for no other reason than that they are women. What this says is that women are
             discriminated against just because of their feminine characteristics. The issues of
             women's rights is universal and plays a vital role in a woman's part in a society, it can be
             culturally bounded depending on how industrialized the society is.
             Women's rights in the eighteen hundreds isn't seen as the same within the current
             century. In many cultures, men carry the upper hand by being dominant, controlling,
             more aggressive, more active and responsive to social issues. This in return has created a
             less laxative environment for women in most societies.
             Women have been attached to certain characteristics, which are expected of every
             feminine gender, but ironically at the same time the feminine characteristics have been
             the leading cause of diminishing rights for women. Women are affiliated with having
             emotional problems, negative attitudes, being somewhat submissive, competing ,
             delicate, dainty and especially weak. knowing that the characteristics attached with male
             and female in each society cannot really change, and also with the high expectations
             placed upon us as humans, will women be able to meet most of the high expectations of
             the society or culture in order to be granted equal rights? In most rural societies the
             answer might be no, but in a more urban society it might be said to be possible. Even
             though a small percentage of women are able to respond to a societies high expectations
             usually met by most men, because this percentage is so small all women are generalized
             as the weaker sex. This...

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Women Rights. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 13:24, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/22681.html