Is a Prison Really Good For a

             Is a Prison Really Good For a Rural Community?
             With a dramatic increase of crimes throughout the US one question that comes up is, where do we put all these criminals? Many over populated prisons have turned to rural areas to help out with this crisis. With a substantial amount land and resources these rural areas are targeted to be a solution. Stressing the idea of bringing rural and urban communities together the government turns to these rural areas. With the promise of an increase in the economy and to bring local jobs to the community, the process of bringing a prison to a rural area almost becomes a competition. The local government knows the positive effects a prison will have on the economy and will do everything it takes to "win" the right to have a prison within their area. The government does not however speak for the community itself though. Many locals around the nation fear the negative effects such as high property taxes, increased crime, a change in lifestyle, and many other changes. In this paper I will show how a prison can bring down a small community and even change the area forever.
             The biggest pro-prison support is that bringing a prison into a small town will bring jobs along with it. This statement is true, but one would have to read between the lines to see how many jobs are actually produced locally by the prison. Fitchen (1991) gives a good example of what the hiring process within a prison system looks like, "A 750-bed medium security facility does employ about 400 people, with an annual payroll in excess of $12 million. But the jobs and payroll are not just for the people already living in the community before the prison came to town. The state indicates that about 20 percent of the 400 jobs will be filled by local residents; but within the local hirings, only certain jobs go to locals" (Fitchen, 1991:221). If the prisons actually follow the 20 percent rule that means o...

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Is a Prison Really Good For a. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:24, June 02, 2024, from