Real Women Have Curves

             Real Women Have Curves by Josefina Lopez is a great comedy. It is the story of Mexican-American, named Ana who is an 18 year-old teenager and is at the turning point of her life. In Real Women Have Curves we see how they address the relationship of Ana and her mother in different ways. In both versions we see how Ana¡s mother teases her about her weight. Another similarity in both the movie and the play is how Ana and her mother argue because they have different opinions in life. However, the play and the movie are not identical in the ways they handle this relationship. In the play we see a critical difference on how Ana¡s mother handles her going away for college. Whereas in the movie Ana looses her mother relationship as she chooses school over her mother.
             Constantly we see in both the play and movie version of Real Women Have Curves how Donƒeƒeƒeƒeƒeƒeƒeƒea Carmen criticizes Ana about her weight. Ana and her mother do not have a mother daughter bond relationship at all. Their relationship is very different they are continuously fighting over the smallest things like weight. In the play Donƒ|a Carmen said ¡§Ana when I was your age I wasn¡t as fat as you and look at your chichis¡ (Lopez 13). Donƒ|a Carmen does not watch what she says to her daughter and doesn¡t realize she can hurt Ana¡s feelings. I recall an event from both the movie and Play how Ana is teased about her weight when she takes of her shirt at the factory because she is hot. Her mom asked her if she had no shame in showing off her fat and then tells her to put her shirt back on. Donƒ|a Carmen said to Ana ¡§You know Ana, you¡re not bad looking. If you lost 20 pounds you would be beautiful¡ (Lopez 58). Wow! What kind of a mother tells her daughter something like this? Donƒ|a Carmen just doesn¡t know when to stop her comments towards Ana. Over all I think that their relationship as mother and daughter

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Real Women Have Curves. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:47, June 02, 2024, from