Intolerance in the Business World

             "Intolerance in the Business World"
             Intolerance is a human trait that we all have. Regardless of ones social, economic, or ethnic background there has been a time in all our lives where we have judged a book by its cover without at least reading the synopsis on the back. Intolerance is not something to be proud of, yet everyone handles its affect on their life and other peoples lives differently. Some strive to rid themselves of this trait, while others simply accept it as part of their personality and fail to make any attempt at removing it. Whether or not those who accept intolerance as a part of who they are have actually taken the time to consider the circumstances of their accused, what they fail to realize is that intolerance can be very painful. Intolerance comes in many different forms and does not see anyone as being exempt from its wrath. The business world has potential for hurting millions each year due to intolerance about race, age and gender.
             First off, when strolling through the office, across the factory or down the hall we may notice that people have many different skin colors, but what doesn't always go through our minds is what someone with a different color might have had to go through to get their job. For countless years African Americans have withstood rejection from advancement within their jobs or from getting a job at all simply because of their dark skin. The morality of these decisions by those who make them is a horrific variable that we should all perceive as inhumane. A person should not be held from his/her attempt to make an honest living at a recognized place of business based off of skin color alone. Factors dealing with an individuals qualifications for the position in question should be the deciding element for the issue at hand. Another prime example of intolerance towards peoples stems from the terminology used to describe Latinos in a field that requires physical labor. Names ...

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Intolerance in the Business World. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:29, June 02, 2024, from