A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education

             Caring; A Feminie Approach to Ethics and Moral Education
             In the Olympics, a pacesetter is often used at the beginning of running and skating events. Their purpose is to get the race exciting from the start and 'set the pace' for what is to come. "Human Caring and the memory of caring and being cared for, which I shall argue form the foundation of ethical response, have not received attention except as outcomes of ethical behavior,"(Noddings, p. 1) is a statement in the introduction of Caring that Nel Noddings uses as the books pacesetter. The first part, 'Human Caring and the memory of caring and being cared for', is something that people often take for granted. In the following chapters Noddings makes reference to and gives examples as to all the different parts, ways and kinds of caring that take place in life.
             Men and women have different ideas when it comes to caring. When a dilemma occurs women want more than just the black and white of it. They tend to ask more information about the situation because every story has two sides and every problem has more than one answer. Women are usually in the one-caring position due to their natural maternal instinct. They place themselves deep into the moral problem to get close to the situation gaining as much knowledge about it before making a decision. That is a good skill for teachers to have as a disciplinarian. They need to be able to see the situation in different lights to make sure not to show favoritism or bias for any individual occurrence.
             To care is to be in a burdened mental state, as said in the dictionary. Different beliefs in ethics can burden people in their decision making. It's not rare to hear stories of teachers being tugged between school policy and what they think is morally right. The UDM Teacher Candidates' Code of Professional Ethics states that the educator shall actively engage in activities directed toward devel...

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A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 07:20, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/25033.html