
             Abortions have always been about law and moral values. Henry Bracton (1216-1272) also known as "The father of Common Law" regarded abortion a homicide, if it was done at least five to six weeks into pregnancy. During that time abortion was considered a felony and causing the person to be hung. In the early 1800s, laws regarding pre-quickening abortions were made into felonies and post-quickening abortions were made capital crimes. In 1837, the quickening distinction of abortion was removed and any type of abortion was considered a felony. In 1929 a new law was passed, in efforts to save the mothers life. Abortion became permissible in unwanted pregnancies.
             In the United States, before the 19th century, criminal laws were based on the Common Law in England. States followed these laws exactly as they were in England. With time states chose to make it punishable through criminal law. In 1821, Connecticut was the first state to pass a law making post-quickening abortions a felony. Seven years later New York was the second state making it constitutional that post-quickening abortions a felony and pre-quickening abortion misdemeanors. Lead by the medical community, in the middle of the 19th century, a movement had begun to tighten abortion regulations. Out of necessity, it established a identical abortion prohibition in England and through out most of the United States, to protect the mother's life.
             In the late 1960's and early 1970's most states loosened their abortion laws to some extent, due to the fact that some women were rape or pregnant through incestuous relations, or for various health reasons. Then in 1970 New York passed a law to allow "on demand" abortions. With this new law, abortions had to be performed by licensed physicians and at least during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Any abortion done after the first 24 weeks of pregnancy was considered a homicide. In 1973 the Roe v....

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Anti-Abortion. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:28, June 02, 2024, from