
             The computer is an electronic device used for the storing and processing of data, in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. The computer as we know it today was invented in the twentieth century and has evolved over the years through technological development. The very first working computers were the size of a 21'x 21'x32' room comprising of several sub-units.
             Today's computers range from the desktop model to the portable laptop model to the palm pilot, which can fit comfortably in one's palm. The most common is the desktop model and its counterpart the tower. These models are made up of the Central Processing Unit (C.P.U), which is the core of any computer system, a monitor which acts like a television allowing one to see exactly what is taking place inside the computer and a keyboard or mouse. The keyboard and mouse are input devices which enhances the interactive experience making the computer "user friendly". The two devices can be present on a single computer system.
             The C.P.U is made up of a vast network of electronic chips which simultaneously executes commands by performing an immense ammount of precise mathematical calculations in order to produce the correct output for any given input or instruction set. These chips however need special software in order to work. This is why the computer can be seen as two separate entities, the first being hardware which is the physical parts of the computer system I.e monitor keyboard C.P.U etc. The second part is software, these are programmes written in computer language code. They function as a translator, encoding simple instructions into complex and highly evolved mathematical equations.
             Since the computer has great processing powers far beyond that of any human brain, it is no surprise that computers have become an integral part in this post modern age. Things that man could no

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Computers. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:13, May 20, 2024, from