
             Abortion is a word with unpleasant connotations, it's a word mixed in controversy, whipping up passions and tempers, dipping into religions, politics and even personal ethics. In short it is a 'woman versus the rest of the world' issue.
             Abortion is a religious issue because some faiths believe that life begins at the time of conception but when these religions foist their beliefs on the nation by making them laws this is a cause of great concern for those religions that are 'pro-choice'. Judaism, for instance, believe that life begins at birth. For them it is a violation of religious independence.
             A fetus is not only physically attached to the woman carrying it but more importantly its well being and health depends on her health as well. They are separated and acquire separate identities only at the time of birth. Pain can be perceived in infants only after 30 weeks. The reflex actions present before this period do not indicate any ability to feel pain. Abortions are almost always performed before 24 weeks.
             People who oppose abortion who believe women have abortions for their own convenience belittle the trauma women go through when making this decision. Motherhood cannot be undervalued. It is a lifelong responsibility. The baby has never asked to be born so the responsibility lies with the woman carrying it, to provide it with a decent life. If for whatever reason the baby is not welcome, the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy. As Margaret Sanger said "No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body."
             If abortion is wrong because it is taking a human right, what about legislators who pass anti abortions laws but support the death penalty? Are they no longer human because they've committed murder? What about child pregnancies and victims of rape? Should they be forced to keep the child if they get pregnant? Already mentally and emotionally sc...

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Abortion. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 21:47, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/27063.html