"Ten Months of Ones Life...""

             The harrowing experience detailed in book "Survival in Auschwitzâ€" by Primo Levi was the experience of millions of people in World War II. The book is powerful and affecting and it represents the real effects on history. Primo Levi based this piece on what he went through the time he spent in the Nazi concentration camp. Whether it was intentional or not, a social experiment was made in which human beings were subjected to extraordinary circumstances. Most of the people would rather forget or hide their memories somewhere deep into themselves but not Primo Levi. He had the courage to tell his story, to share it with us and he could only hope we will believe him.
             In his preface he writes: "It seems to me unnecessary to add that none of the facts are inventedâ€" (9), which means that he wants to be sure that every reader is aware of the truthfulness of his story. The Nazis constantly repeated that even if anybody will have a chance to tell his story no one will believe and listen to him. The events that happened in the concentration camp were simply too cruel to believe in, and the Nazis knew it. Nobody would think that one human being could humiliate the other one so much. He felt it is not necessary to add this because he was the one who saw, felt and went through all of that. While writing this book he felt the burning need to get all the memories out of himself. Even though Nazis had full control over prisoners' minds and bodies, Levi decided to pass his story onto the future generation as some kind of warning signal. He was very focused to make sure things like that will not happen again.
             In the firs chapter Levi told us about his "good fortuneâ€" in being sent to the Lager at the end of the war when "killingsâ€" were "suspended at the whim of individualsâ€" (9). He thought of it as a fortune because during another situation Germans would not think a second before ki...

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"Ten Months of Ones Life..."". (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 22:36, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/28256.html