Does this country's bad luck ever seem to end? Just as we were starting to come to terms with the death of Great King Duncan we seem to be faced with yet another drama and a crisis. Insiders claim that the freshly appointed King Macbeth has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. If that is the case than this might answer some of the peculiar rumours that have been surfacing around about the King and his beloved wife Lady Macbeth.
             Since the death of King Duncan the nation has been rocked by constant scandal where we have faced a drug and an economy crisis. Macbeth often used to be honoured by the Former King Duncan for his achievements within the worldwide organization "The Scottish World Wide Organization" which is often referred to as the business that keeps the nation on the world map. The former economy minister Scott Macdone has in the past quoted " as long as the TSWWO is stable and running the economy of this country will be prosperous, but if the company starts to face financial downfall than the nation will be in a great economic crisis"
             The latest figures on the company's position within the world wide stock market has shown a loss in the company figures. World famous financial specialist Adam O-Hare has reported, " looking at the figures of TSWWO I think the Scottish economy is in serious trouble." Experts claim that these latest figures will bring the Scottish economy to a standstill, and could result in the inflation and unemployment figures to spiral upwards. It seems that with all the scandals surrounding Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth has finally worn of on the King and this is affecting the way he is running the country and the organization.
             " looking at the figures of TSWWO I think the Scottish economy is in serious trouble."
             King Macbeth's behavior over the last couple of months has not proved to be o

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ONE'S DOWNFALL IS EVERYONE'S DOWNFALL ( MACBETH ARTICLE ). (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:37, June 02, 2024, from