Abortion a choice or murder

             Thesis: Is abortion a woman's choice or abortion murder?
             Abortion is a very controversial topic. Many politicians are trying to get abortion out-lawed. This decision is making it illegal for a woman to choose how she is to live her life.
             We find differences of opinions everywhere People are placing bumper stickers on their vehicles that say. "A woman's body, a woman's choice, Abortion stops a beating heart, Pro choice and Pro Life". If we were to drive past an abortion clinic perhaps we would find protesters on the sidewalks screaming, at the women entering the building. They display posters with stomach turning images of partially developed fetus on them. The protestors chant and warn the women entering that they will burn in Hell for murdering their unborn children. Among with the protestors, we would also find the pro-choice protestors trying to soothe the women and help them come to a decision-based on facts not emotions. All and all it is a very disturbing and emotionally draining event for anyone involved. Especially, the women who are there to have an abortion.
             The reason this is such a controversial topic is because of one question "when does a fetus become a baby and get a soul." Some people believe a fetus gets its soul at conception and some people believe it happens when the fetus develops a heartbeat. The heartbeat of a fetus can be detected as early as three weeks in the uterus. However, medically speaking this is not a true heartbeat. What we see on the ultrasound is the electrical impulse or the "potential" for a heartbeat. I do not think we will ever truly know the answer to that question.
             Personally I am somewhat on the fence when it comes to pro choice vs. murder. I can see both sides. However I do not believe our government has the right to take this choice away. If women were faced with not having an abortion clinic to go to then the coat hanger meth

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Abortion a choice or murder. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:22, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/28496.html