Article Summary: The Late Paper by Skip Downing

             In the article “The Late Paper," Kim is a college student who is trying to find a balance between her married life and her student life. Kim’s husband, Arnold, was continuously being made fun of by a coworker. His coworker poked fun at Arnold by bringing up the fact that he only had a high school education, thus implying that Kim was more intelligent than her husband. This perspective led Arnold to resent Kim as she grew closer to obtaining her college degree. The day before Kim’s Psychology 101 class final term paper was due, the couple got into a heated argument where Arnold accused Kim of having an affair. As a result of the argument, Kim’s term paper was turned in late, causing her teacher to give her a failing grade. Kim encountered many setbacks including dealing with her upset husband and having to decide whether or not to attend a celebration with her fellow classmates. Considering all of this, I believe that through those complications, Kim is entirely responsible for her failing grade in Psychology 101.
             After the couple got into the argument, Kim knew that she needed to get her assignment turned in early to prevent any unforeseen issues that may arise on the day it was due — she risked the possibility of her final term paper not being turned in on time. On her way to submit the assignment, Kim ran into one of her psychology classmates who then “...invited Kim to join her and some other students for an end-of-the-semester celebration” (P. 3). Kim pondered the idea of going to the party and decided to join her classmates at the end-of-the-semester celebration. By attending this celebration, Kim was aware that by going, she risked not being able to turn in her writing assignment on time. To make matters worse, Cindy, one of Kim’s classmates, reassured her that she “...promised she’d make sure Kim got it [her assignment] in on time” (P. 3).
             Being that Kim’s grade was her responsibility, it was impo...

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Article Summary: The Late Paper by Skip Downing. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:22, October 22, 2024, from