
             The Lord doesn't always let us know when the ones we love will be taken. It happens so fast, and before you know it there gone. The first time I experienced loss was when I was ten, and it has changed the way I live life.
             I will never forget the way Chelsea looked. Her eyes were dark and full of exhaustion. She was very solemn, but that wasn't what concerned me, I was concentrating on her eyes. I could tell there was something wrong, she was anxious, and as I stroked her belly her eyes seared with pain. She let out a bellow from deep down, as if telling me it hurts. The veterinarian, Dr. Nichols, entered the room. We anticipated good news. In a sincere tone, he said that our family dog, Chelsea, had an auto- immune disease, a form of cancer that had spread throughout her rusty red body. Euthanasia was the only humane solution. I couldn't believe that putting Chelsea down was humane. I loved her as a family member, I couldn't let her go. The Doctor explained the alternative was to spend thousands of dollars to keep her alive a few weeks more, causing further pain and suffering. I realized what needed to be done, and so I did the noble thing, I agreed with my family.
             The doctor let us say our goodbyes. I tried to comfort her, running my hands in and out of her crimson like hair. I reminisced about the time we spent together. The times when we floated down the river, or snuggled by the fire place. There wasn't a memory of my childhood that didn't include Chelsea. My mother continued to talk to her as if she were one of her children. The truth is, Chelsea believed she was human. Her bear like structure weighed her down, but her loving and caring personality made up for it. She was sweet , kind, and loyal, like most golden retrievers. Chelsea loved people and people loved her, she had a very unique personality.
             The door reopened, it was a women this time. She explained to us that th...

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Loss. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 22:23, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/3078.html