According to U.S. News and World Report, January 15, 1998, the United Nations estimates that
             nearly one million Iraqi children are chronically malnourished. Infant mortality and waterborne
             illnesses are also up dramatically.(Omstad 42) These problems are a direct result of economic
             sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United States. Thomas Omstad, a field reporter for U.S. News
             and World Report describes the sanctions as, "a blunt instrument that can clearly take innocent
             lives." It is because of this and a multitude of other reasons that the statement the use of
             economic sanctions to achieve U.S. foreign policy goals is moral does not ring true.
             In order to prove that economic sanctions are not morally right we must first understand
             what an economic sanction is. Economic sanction is defined as the withholding of supplies from
             countries that do not agree with, or follow the policies laid out for them by the United States.
             This definition is given by the mission work organization "Pastors for Peace" based out of
             Chicago Illinois. It is also the working definition for the sanctions that the United States has
             Sanctions are immoral because they harm innocents. As I stated earlier, there is a
             senseless harming of innocent people in the sanctions imposed against Iraq. Part of the reason for
             this is the way the U.S. government classifies materials. The level of sanctions imposed against
             Iraq still allows for some humanitarian aid to be sent there from the U.S., but it is very
             limited.(Sirico15) For example, according to documents released by the state department, a chair
             has the same military classification as a handgun.(Sirico15) What this means is that as Iraq tries
             to set up schools, the cannot get chairs from aid groups, because the U.S. state department feels
             that they can be used in militay efforts. This same analysis applies to many pharmaceuticals. Th

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THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF ECONOM. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:20, May 20, 2024, from