People in Organization

             If there is any one characteristic of people which is universally valid and important, it is that they differ. To say that all persons are created equal is a statement of human rights under the Jaw. It communicates noth­ing at all about human nature. As a matter of fact, people differ greatly in intelligence, aptitudes, physical strength, manual dexterity, knowledge, skill, interests, personality traits, motivation, and many other attributes which potentially influence behavior and productivity.
             We are rational?but only to a point. We plan, set goals, think, rea­son, and live by creeds and values. But we also become frustrated and behave in ways that can be perceived as rational only by someone who understands all our deeply embedded, sometimes conflicting needs, as­pirations, and perceptions. In many situations our motivation is uncon­scious so that not even we understand our own actions.
             The fact that one's environment strongly influences behavior is in­disputable. A number of prominent psychologists have assumed that human freedom is an illusion. Human choices are thought to be totally determined. This, of course, is an assumption. Many people do not sub­jectively perceive themselves in this way. It is significant that behavior and expectations are strongly influenced by what a person believes to be true. Individuals feel responsible for their actions. Also, people consciously believe that their choices are real, regardless of any awareness of philo­sophical arguments to the contrary. Organizations cannot function opti­mally without these pragmatic assumptions.
             There are, of course, innumerable statements which one might make about human nature, but they would not all have a direct influence on how people should be dealt within the work environment. The late Doug-36
             las McGregor did an excellent job of conceptualizing some of the as­sumptions about human nature which are relevant to organizational

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People in Organization. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:12, June 02, 2024, from