Worldview comparison

             Worldviews are defined as, " the comprehensive framework of one's basic
             beliefs about things and their relationships." Beliefs are something somebody
             commits themselves to, something they are willing to stand up for and promote
             with their time, money, and energy. Worldviews deal with basic beliefs, not just
             any kind of beliefs. They deal with the ultimate questions about life and the
             world in general. The answers to these questions form a framework or pattern;
             they hang together in a certain way. Everyone has beliefs, things they would
             stand up for, things they would commit their time to, therefore, everyone has a
             worldview. However, everyone has their own individual answers to those
             ultimate questions, and the answers to those questions form their worldview.
             This makes up various different worldviews. Secular Humanism and Reformed
             Christian are but two of those worldviews which show diversity within the issues
             of death, sexuality, and family life.
             A Reformed Christian portrays an opposite view of death in comparison to
             the Secular Humanist. A Christian considers death not as the end, but as a new
             beginning. A new life on a new earth where there will be no more death or
             suffering: " . . . we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth" (2
             Peter 3:13), " There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the
             old order of things has passed away," (Revelation 21:4). On the other hand, the
             Secular Humanist looks at death as the absolute end, nothing comes afterwards,
             that is just it. Arthur Chappell, a Secular Humanist, explains death as basically
             the same as never being born. He states, "death, like income tax, is
             inevitable."( His perspective of death
             along with other Secular Humanists is that death happens, no one can stop it.
             After death there is no consciousness or understandings of anything that is or
             what might...

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Worldview comparison. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:12, June 02, 2024, from