The Principles in Prayer

             There is a growing trend in America today that something drastically needs to be changed in our school system. The public is scared to send their children to a place where they could potentially be shot, stabbed, beaten, or be subjected to drugs on any given day. The morals of this country's youth are being shaped by every action, by every minute they live in this negative environment. Because of the corruption in today's society, the need for school prayer is greatly needed.
             Organizations against prayer in schools such as the American Baptist Resolution against Manifestation of Prejudice, feel that it is unconstitutional for the government to infringe on the religious beliefs of people and it also causes an unneeded sense of division between those that believe in God and those that do not. There is also the assumption that prayer in school will be only Christian based, leaving other students who do believe in God but are not Christian out. One of the great things about being in America is freedom of choice. Anti-prayer activists feel that slavery in the United States, practiced for over 200 years was unconstitutional. They feel that just as slavery, prayer in schools was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court when it was proven as such to members of the Supreme Court. The activists feel that just because a practice is followed for so many years does not deem it correct or valid. What they fail to realize is that during slavery, people recognized a need for change to better our country. This is one of the reasons why we can proudly look upon our country as the "land of the free." Just as slavery needed to be changed, prayer in our school system also needs to be changed to improve our country's morality.
             Ever since the Supreme Court's ruling to have prayer banished from public schools, the morals of this country have been going downhill. Of all the Court rulings of this century, none has sparked more action in Congress ...

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The Principles in Prayer. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:39, June 02, 2024, from