Experience of a Life Time

             In Paulo Freire's essay "The Banking Concept of Education," he stresses the importance of problem-posing education rather than banking education. Problem-posing education is a structure of teaching and learning, where both teachers and students learn from each other through interaction and experiences. Banking is a structure of education where a teacher lectures, students remember and then take a test. There is no interaction between the student and the teacher besides the lecture to the students. Problem-posing is a great way to expand the mind of students; however the problem that is faced is what age group should this type of education be introduced into the school curriculum.
             Paulo Freire's idea of problem-posing education offers students, at a mature age, the chance to interact with other students and teachers, and as a result, students can ask questions, debate content, and learn from others as a group. Banking education is probably the most damaging type of teaching and learning. Banking education should be used in a curriculum where the content develops the human mind and intelligence for more important content. In other words, banking education should be used in the early years of schooling. In elementary school, the students don't have the maturity level to consistently work in groups. They have assigned seats, they have to walk in straight lines without talking, and they have to eat at the same lunch table. The teacher is in control of the class and anything he or she says goes. The teacher is like a dictator and the students are the citizens. There are no grades in elementary school, only satisfactory marks, which
             do not motivate students to use effort in their gain for knowledge. The things you do learn in elementary school are the basics of english, math, and history which set the base for things to grow upon.
             Junior high school or middle school is the proper age to introduce a taste of p

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Experience of a Life Time. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 13:22, May 19, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/3824.html