Definition of terms
Peasant: any member of a class of persons who till the soil as small landowners or as agricultural laborers. The term peasant originally referred to small-scale agriculturalists in Europe in historic times, but many other societies, both past and present, have had a peasant class.
Agriculture: A word of Latin origin that was derived from two Latin words Ager meaning field and Cutura meaning field cultivation. Thus field cultivation.
West Indian Peasantry is said to have originated from the early forms of the plantation system during the European Caribbean Colonization era in which Slavery, Indentureship and occurred. The plantation system was well established during the latter part of the 17th century and reached its maximum development in the 18th century to be replaced by modern day plantation systems. However due to the abolition of slavery and the migration of slaves eventually a wide variety of small scale tenure arrangements ranging from illegal squatting on crown lands to genuine free holds were established.
More ever West Indian peasantry began at the period of emancipation in 1838 and comprises of the ex-slaves who started small farms on the peripheries of plantation areas where they could find land. They presented the basic facts to plantation economy and had a negative attitude towards enslavement, mass production, mono crop dependence and metropolitan control.
The establishment of village settlement peasantry forms a remarkable phase in the development of the Caribbean. In its agreement, it is basically small scale cultivation and is a part emancipation phenomena since many territories witnessed a mass exodus of ex- slaves from plantation following emancipation and the termination of the apprenticeship system because of the many reasons .
Factors responsible for peasant farming in the Caribbean
History would find that peasant farming is an offset of many is...