The Great Gatsby

             Title: The Character of Daisy Buchanon in Relation to the novel "The Great Gatsby"
             In the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald, there are many charismatic characters which create the story. One character in particular, Daisy Buchanan, is essential in relation to the overall plot of the story. With her multi-dimensional personality, and the way she becomes centered on most of the conflicts within the story creates an interesting plot which pulls the reader into the story.
             Early in the novel, Daisy Buchanan is portrayed as a sweet and innocent girl, her angelic clothing and the way Nick describes her is what initially endears her to Nick and the reader. We are told she was raised as "The most popular girl in Louisville". The reader is able to look into the character of Daisy as she sees herself. Introducing the reader to her daughter and how she keeps her around as a show toy, to parade around in front of company, all the while being led by her mother to put on an act for everybody until they depart. Then putting the child away with the nursemaid until she wants to show her off again. This display tipping off the reader to the way she views herself as Toms' property to show off when he wants to make himself look good. After showing her guests out we see Daisy's' character revert back to the bored housewife feeling of no importance wondering what it is she is doing with her life. She appears bored, innocent and harmless, but his is only a facade. In reality Daisy is nothing more than a materialistic young girl who has little mind of her own. With Gatsby's' re-introduction into her life she rediscovers the feelings she once had for this mysterious man. Daisy, having been brought up in a rich family and given the best of everything all her life, at first couldn't accept Gatsby. After Gatsby's' initial absence and the presence of a socially more acceptable suitor in Tom Buchanan, she marries Tom without even a thought of he

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The Great Gatsby. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:10, June 02, 2024, from