
             The term "human" is usually associated with acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and sympathy. Being human can sometimes even require risking one's own life in order to help someone in danger.
             In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley examines the question of what it means to be human by exploring the difference between a real human being and an artificially created man. Frankenstein contains a number of scenes where the artificial creature behaves in a way that is normally reserved for humans and, similarly, scenes where various humans behave in "inhuman" ways.
             In the process of creating the "monster" Victor Frankenstein becomes a monster himself. According to Anne K. Mellor "[...] Frankenstein's passion for his scientific research is a displacement of normal emotions and healthy human relationships. [...] He [Frankenstein] becomes oblivious to the world around him, to his family and friends, even to his own health" (107).
             During his experiment Victor definitely does not act like a normal human being, as he distances himself from the people that care about him. He states that at this point he "[...] seemed, to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit [for the pursuit of creating life from lifeless matter] " (54).
             Then, as soon as Frankenstein instills life in his creature, who then opens its eyes, Frankenstein is revolted by the look of the "monster" whom he has brought to life, and he runs away to hide from him. Thus, Victor fails to act in a human way, first, by forgetting about his family, and, second, by refusing to accept his obligation to the being he has created.
             On the other hand, Victor Frankenstein's creature, for whom Victor has failed to show care and love, himself anonymously shows kindness to and sympathy for the poor strangers whom he secretly observes in the cottage. He observes De Laceys for months, learning their lan...

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Frankenstein. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 13:35, June 02, 2024, from