the sixties1

             Why were the sixties a importance to our country's history? The
             sixties were an exciting, revolutionary, turbulent time of great social and
             technological change: assassination, unforgettable fashion, new musical
             styles, Camelot, civil rights, women's liberation, a controversial and decisive
             war in Vietnam, the anti-war protest to go along with the war, space
             exploration and the space race, peace marches, flower power, great TV and
             film and sexual freedom, and of course the great babyboomers. The sixties
             also showed Communism coming into the Western hemisphere and thus
             coming to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Movements towards the end to poverty,
             helping the environment, and the women's rights all came to be in the
             sixties. Medical breakthroughs were important in the sixties. This essay
             explains the events and people of the sixties from 1960 to 1970.
             One thing in the sixties was the years of the American Camelot. In
             1960 a president was elected by the slimmest measure of margin since 1884,
             "John Fitzgerald Kennedy is elected president by just over 100,000
             votes"(Turbulent Years 23). Some say that John's father bought the election,
             but the truth is unknown. This election was the first election that was on
             radio and television. Kennedy and Nixon engaged in the first televised
             campaign debates. President Kennedy was the youngest man to become
             president and the youngest president to die in office. President Kennedy
             was also the first and only Roman Catholic President in history.
             During President Kennedy's Presidency, he had to make many
             decisions about the relationship between the United States and the Soviet
             Union. In the sixties the "Cold War" was heating up. Before President
             Kennedy came into office, a U-2 plane was shot down in the Soviet Union
             while spying on the Soviet Union, thus cutting all Diplomatic ties between
             the Soviet Union and the United States. Amongst other problems President

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