Disney world

             As I sat at my kitchen table analyzing my tedious life and thinking about all of the papers I have to write off and try to think of the perfect day and what it would include I drifted off to explore a better place, a life in my imagination. As I dream of a places I can fly to I imagine Hawaii, Alaska, Africa, New York and I fall onto the most magical place of earth...Disney World. I imagine who would be visiting the park that day? What would they be wearing and what would they be like? I think of pop stars movie stars past presidents and even people who have passed on.
             In my dream it is 10:00 in the morning and the gates are just opening and the children are running through the gates. Everyone looks happy and excited there are no cell phones or beepers and no worries. As I walk down the brick road I notice that everyone looks so familiar but I just can't place their faces.
             As I look at the map I make my way to space mountain and step in line. The older man in front of me turns around and says "hello" I notice it is Bill Clinton and his family, Hilary and Chelsea. The former president looked very relaxed in his t-shirt and blue jeans. Chelsea was waiting patiently in line like everyone else eating popcorn and checking her messages on her e-mail. Senator Hilary was surrounded by reports steadily asking the question " Are your going to run for president?" I feet sorry for her, being surrounded by 100 of people being in your face somehow she never once looked frazzled or upset she answered everyone with a nice "no comment". As I drifted away I tell the Clintons good luck with everything and that it was a pleasure meeting them
             As I strolled into adventure land I spotted Janet Jackson riding the teacups while desperately holding onto her flimsy blouse. I am sure she did not want to start another "nipplegate". When the ride finally ended she exited with her three bodyguards and...

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Disney world. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 02:14, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/4190.html