The Effects of Media on the Public's Opinion
             Mass media - have you ever taken the time to consider two articles about the same thing? Some may be more bias against a group or idea, while others keep a strict, non bias view. The way the media portrays events may change or even corrupt people's thoughts on certain public matters. This paper will dissect four articles on the Woodstock riots and show the relationships and differences between them.
             On a Sunday night, near the closing song of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, there were a few bonfires were reported. The firefighters, feeling they were under control, let these bonfires burn. Then Limp Bizkit came on, another hard-core band. In their song "Breakstuff," the audience climbed a television camera tower and began ripping equipment and other electrical devices off of them. After Limp Bizkit, Rage Against the Machine, another hard-core band, played hard-core music that could have easily incited violence. When the smoke cleared away Monday afternoon, not only were thirty-seven people arrested, out of a countless number; there was also hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damaged equipment.
             In the articles, "They Must Have Run Out of Drugs" and " Woodstock Riot," there are direct and indirect quotes used to inform people of what happened at the concert. These quotes also try and persuade the public's opinion as to whether or not the riots were the faults of the accused. In the article, "Woodstock Riot," the author used a direct quote spoken by Spencer Parker. Parker stated, "When it first started there was something to it, it has a little bit of meaning when you pay $4 dollars for a pretzel." (PG 2 para. 3) his statement helped direct the blame at high prices. In the article "They Must Have Run Out of Drugs," the author used a quote by Chris Melnyczenko to help place blame on the disgruntled youth. Melnyczenko said, "They're destroying everything." (Pg. 1 pa

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THE EFFECT OF MEDIA ON THE PUBLICS OPINION. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:59, June 02, 2024, from