Native Americans Inhalants

             For a long time, Native Americans have had problems with substance abuse. They are among the highest
             of all ethnic groups in drug abuse with an estimated 7.8% prevalence of a need for drug treatment. Some
             of these substances include alcohol, marijuana, crank, cocaine, LSD, and inhalants.
             Inhalants include gases and sniffing drugs which can be found in household items as common as
             glue, nail polish, and spray whipped cream. The prolonged use of these solvents entails significant risk of
             brain damage, while other serious health problems observed in chronic sniffers include respiratory
             difficulties; liver malfunction; blood abnormalities; and nervous system damage. Other hazards may
             include Sudden Sniffing Death, violent or aggressive behavior, suffocation, burns and freezing to death,
             and fetal solvent syndrome. Unfortunately, laws prohibiting sale of these products, especially to minors,
             Because many inhalants are ordinary products which are simply misused, they are readily available
             and relatively cheap. As a result, many people, adolescents in particular, have taken advantage of solvents
             and are using them to get an easy high. The most common ethnic groups to use inhalants, besides
             Caucasians, are Hispanics and Native Americans, making teenage Native Americans primary sniffers. In
             addition, unlike most other ethnic groups, female American Indians are just as likely to inhale as their
             Two examples of this use of inhalants among Indian tribes occurred in North Dakota, where a
             group of Lakota teenagers used Wite-Out, a correctional fluid, to paint the insides of their noses in order
             to achieve a high. Another boy from the same area was smoking and inhaling a flammable intoxicant with
             friends when the intoxicant caught fire and produced a flame which followed the trail of the intoxicant
             In Placer County, a case study was don

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Native Americans Inhalants. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:07, June 02, 2024, from