1 Timothy the Epistle

             The author of this letter is Paul, as stated in the salutation (1:1). The evidence in the writing also supports the belief Paul as the author; especially in the way he greets the receiver in his letters, and the close relationship between Paul and Timothy. One of the supporting sources in the church history is found in Theophilus of Antioch, which dates back to 180 A.D. which confirms Paul is the author.
             The letter was written to Timothy, Paul's "true son in faith" (1:2,18). We first learn about Timothy in (Ac 16:1-3), where we find out that his mother was Jewish and his father was Greek. In 1 Timothy Paul desired that the disciple travel with him and therefore Paul circumcised him to fit in with the Jews they were going to preach to. This began a long relationship together where they worked with the Lord, where Timothy treated Paul as he would his father (Ph 2:19-24). This treatment would mean traveling with Paul, and remaining with the new congregations when Paul would have to leave suddenly (Ac 17:13-14). Timothy would also to go back to encourage the congregations (1 Th 3:1-3). Timothy also had the honor to sit with Paul as he wrote several epistles, and from these epistles we learn that Timothy had been with Paul during his imprisonment in Rome. Because of his faithfulness in his service helps us learn why Paul would leave him in Ephesus (1:3).
             Many people believe that Paul may have written 1 Timothy after his long stay at Ephesus and departure for Macedonia on his third missionary journey (Ac 19:1-41). This would make 1 Timothy written around 53-67 (The NIV Study Bible, 1835). Most of the people thought that Paul wrote this epistle from Macedonia, following his first imprisonment in Rome (Ac 28:16). Paul was released and allowed to travel for several years before being finally arrested again and finally put to death by Nero. If 1st Timothy were indeed written during this period, the date would be around 63-64...

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1 Timothy the Epistle. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:11, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/47947.html