Romeo and Juliet

             Fate is something that many debate whether or not it truly exists. Many doubt that their future is already chosen for them, thinking that their own personal decisions create their destiny. However, others believe whatever happens is laid out like a roadmap to life, in other words, fate. Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, plays an extremely important role in the characters development. Fate becomes an extremely exciting aspect that manages to bond two young lovers. The moment that the two "star-crossed lovers" met is the incident that foreshadows and leads to their deaths. The play is built on the concept of fate from the first moment to the catastrophic end.
             It is simply a twist of fate that causes Romeo and Juliet meet in the first place. Romeo started expressing all his feelings to his cousin Benvolio, about the one he thought was his one and only true love, Rosaline. Romeo did not receive any feelings back from Rosaline. While Romeo was in the midst of rambling on about his feelings, one of the Capulets servants came up to Romeo to ask him to read something. The servant said " God gi'god-den. I pray, sir, can you read?"(Shakespeare, I, ii, 57). Romeo read it out loud for the servant but the part that he was most interested in was, "My fair niece Rosaline, and Livia." (I, ii, 70) The servant invited Romeo and Benvolio to come to the Capulets party under one circumstance, if they were not Montague's. Romeo's best friend, Mercutio was on the list that the servant asked Romeo to read, so Romeo went to the Capulet's party with Mercutio just to see his one true love, Rosaline. When Romeo showed up to the party he did not think of Rosaline once. He spotted a beautiful girl from across the room and fell in love instantly. He soon learned from his cousin her name was
             Juliet, and his response was curiosity, questioning his friends " Is she a Capulet?/O dear account! My l...

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Romeo and Juliet. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:19, June 02, 2024, from