
             I am writing you in regards to the job opening in your company. I have look at your web-site and 3M site. It is extremely interesting that film technology has come so far and so advanced. I am a college student at San Jose City College working toward a degree in Mechanical Engineering and also looking for a part time job. The safety and comfort Windows Solutions provides to its customers is a market I never have known of. I would be greatly appreciated for consideration for this opening as an installer of these great products.
             Like I said, I am a student at SJCC in my second year would like to begin working for a company on a long term basis. I graduated from Wilcox High School in the spring of 2003 with many certificates in Microsoft computer applications. For as long as I can remember I have worked with my hands in Carpentry, metal work, electrical and glass glazing. I am very motivated, especially when problem solving and an untested work ethic.
             All through high school I worked on odd jobs installing glass, whether it is residential, commercial or automotive. In this time I learned the characteristics of glass; how to work with it and how to protect it. Also, on a few jobs I have seen a few of your installers do their part after I was done. That's all that was needed to get the basics of what a installer does.
             Once again I would be greatly thankful for the opportunity to work for such an important company. I am available for an interview as soon as possible and would like to begin my part in the comfort and safety of others. I thank for considering me for this position and look forward to hearing from you.

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