Abnormal Behavior

             Abnormal behavior- This type of behavior can be described as unusual, nonadaptive, labeled as abnormal by society or characterized by cognitive distortion. There are several perceived explanations of such behavior discussed in the chapter. The demonological explanations believed that one would act in an abnormal way because of some sort of supernatural possession. In modern-day times, however, psychologists tend to look for more "clinical" explanations. These include psychodynamic (conflict within an individual), humanistic (inability to accept self as who it is), behavioral (what one has learned from surroundings), cognitive (distorted thinking), psychophysiological (abnormal occurrences in the nervous system), cultural (role that culture takes in shaping), and eclectic (idea that there is no one explanation for causes of abnormal behavior). Still, psychologists seem to generally agree on how to diagnose abnormal behavior. Psychologists use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual to determine whether or not a person has such a behavior. Perhaps the reason that most psychologists use this manual and agreeably is because it is atheoretical (not based on theories). Next, the chapter gave some examples of what psychologists diagnose when they see patients. First, anxiety disorders were discussed. Some of the major types of these disorders are phobias, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, stress disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Along with these disorders, some of the major symptoms accompanying them were also talked about in detail. Another type of disorder is mood disorders. Sternberg pointed out that there are two types of mood disorders: depressive and bipolar. Depression occurs when one's ability to function normally is severely weakened. It could be viewed as an almost chronic condition of being "down in the dumps." There are several categories of this that were listed an...

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Abnormal Behavior. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:53, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/4977.html