Western culture

             I admire the in- depth story telling of the happening of western time, as well as the pure fact that it is all history. The western culture to me is truly amazing because it takes my mind back to the early times such as the civil war era where there was racism and discrimination between color, race, and religion. In addition, even with the western culture these beliefs of racism and discrimination for example still existed. I wish I could go back into the past and to imagine, what went on back then. With all said the western culture is also known as the Wild West. To many it means guns, cattle, horses and gunfights. But it was also homesteading and pioneering. It was a rugged country back then with little amenities and much danger. It represented the growth of our nation from independent states and scattered people to a united country. Montana 1948 it was more about pride and family values. Moreover, status and class of a person can lead to selfishness and discrimination ignoring the rules of morality and equalness. In contrast the movie Lone Star it all about money and one's dignity, rather than protecting and serving the community. In addition, it depicts the misuse of power over the weaker person, race, or culture in order to make one's character full of power and honor.
             Montana 1948 is about the loss of innocence and the painful gain of wisdom. . In Montana, the summer of 1948 held a series of tragic events that were to have a permanent and decisive impact on David and his parents. This chain of events were to turn David's
             young life and that of his family upside down forever and which was to angrily lead him out of childhood, destroying his innocence and youthful naivety in the process. However, David's shocking revelations lead to his painful gaining of wisdom. When David's story begins, we learn that his life is a stable and happy one, and his present family is close and

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Western culture. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 01:41, May 20, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/5162.html