a dolls house1

             In the play, A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen there seems to include serious social commentary underlying in this piece. This play is obviously critical of the time period, but also presents little or no solutions. The play is critiquing the society of the time for its structured hierarchy of male dominance. The play has placed its blame by skillfully creating characters that bring forth issues of power and control, ignorance and innocence, rebirth, and social status. Throughout the course of the play, each character and their interactions with one another help to reinforce the production's criticism of an unequal society.
             A Doll's House created the character of Nora in order to portray how women of his time period are ignorant of their situation in society. The play also attempted to show how women are taught to play ignorant. She does not realize until the end of the play that men have always controlled her. Her ignorance is apparent through everything in her life. She does not even take the fact that she has children seriously. She has a nurse take care of her children and she visits them when she feels like it. Nora plays with her children like they are some whimsical objects that delight her for one moment and bore her the next. She has no concept of how to raise children or how to be a mother at all. At the end of the play Nora admits to Helmer, " . . . how am I equipped to bring up the children" (Ibsen 608). Nora is not allowed to control anything in her life. How can she possibly take care of children if she cannot even take care of herself? Her controlling husband has kept her ignorant in order to have power over her.
             Furthermore, another occurrence in the play that exhibits Nora's learned ignorance is the looming problem of the illegal loan that she took out in her father's name. Her ignorance comes to light when she reveals her secret to Mrs. Linde. Nora believes ...

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a dolls house1. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 19:32, June 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/52388.html